1.clean your working space

Having a neat, clutter-free working space and home will instantly calm you down and reduce distractions. So, if by now you haven’t already cleared out all your cupboards, this is the time! Make your home the place that gives you energy.

2.prepare schedule

Start by making a list of the things you want to achieve in the following weeks and have that list somewhere visible. Now that you have a general overview of things that you want to get done, get specific! When are you going to do it? What do you need? Sort your tasks per relevancy and make a daily and weekly plan. Make sure you scratch those completed to-do’s, it feels so good! 

3.start reducing social media consumption

over consumption of this news can lead you to feel depressed and overwhelmed. Also, stay away from comparing yourself to others and how they are spending their quarantine time. Focus on yourself and the things you want to achieve


Make time to work out regularly. So many gyms, yoga and pilates studios are currently offering free online classes, take advantage of that! Doing physical activity will help you feel happier 

5. Do Meditation

Learning how to quiet your mind is incredibly powerful. It can help us to eliminate negative thoughts, worries and anxiety. Plus, it has great benefits in terms of productivity as it helps with focus and better sleep

                 this is a perfect time to get things done 

                 make your things ready start doing it

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